Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Mt. Ross continues to call my name, telling me I need to climb it in my red Converse high tops, like RIGHT NOW.

I keep telling it "No, I need to wait for summer, and down here that's not until December!"

The mountain answers "So what! You need to do what the radio told you to do!"

I say "No way, not in the late fall. There's too much snow up there!"

The mountain says "Go back inside your cabin, drink some Southern Comfort, and turn on your radio. Listen carefully to what it tells you to do."

I just might have to do that. Besides, I'm still sad about the loss of Thomas. As for Charley, he got rid of some pretty nasty stuff after I gave him the Syrup of Ipecac. I think he's already feeling better!


Blogger Jim Marquis said...

That mountain has quite a mouth on him!

9:05 AM  
Blogger Donald said...

Yes, it's always spewing out something. If it isn't lava, it's bad advice.

8:02 PM  

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