Sunday, July 03, 2005


As promised, the history lesson continues. The following abridged information is from the following website:

Approximately 28,000,000 BC- 21,000,000 BC: An advanced symbiont civilization arises on Kerguelen.
Its development has required considerably longer than later humanity's will, due to several factors. If the Kerguelens cared to, by 21 million BC they could now trace their lineage back for over 13 million years-- or twice the span which will separate 21st century humans from chimpanzees.

Approximately 25,000,000 BC: Massive volcanic eruptions may be occuring in the region of Antarctica's Ross Sea-- perhaps even affecting global climate; Kerguelen climate is surely changed somewhat by the event.
It appears that the climatic effects of eruptions in this region will more strongly affect areas in or near the same latitudes as opposed to others. Thus, despite being almost on the other side of the world from the eruptions, Kerguelen is likely affected.

Approximately 21,000,000 BC- 20,000,000 BC: The Kerguelen elite realize their world will eventually vanish, and begin a frenzied effort to insure their survival.
The general Kerguelen neglect of the environment and many scientific fields left the Kerguelen shocked and unprepared when they finally reached the realization that their entire land was slowly sinking beneath the sea.

By this time the Kerguelen possessed a rough equivalence with future 22nd/23rd century humanity in some technologies, if not all. Yes, despite their near continuous stagnation in this regard, their occasional spurts of innovation over a period of many hundreds of thousands of years had not left them utterly at the mercy of fate. On the other hand, had they progessed as quickly as humanity will later on, over this span they could have dominated a good portion of the Milky Way galaxy.

The Kerguelen would have to leave Earth. For only in space were available resources that caused the entire Earth to pale by comparison. Asteroids and comets represented wealth beyond imagining-- so long as the race did not have to worry about the objects raining atop them in miscellaneous disasters. And in space the resources were much more accessible too-- at least once one had escaped the gravity of Earth itself.

Approximately 20,000,000 BC: The last remnants of the Kerguelen island continent in the southern Indian Ocean slowly sinks to the bottom of the sea.
Twenty million years from now it will be known to submariners as part of the "Kerguelen Plateau", and lie two kilometers deep. But for millions of years previous to the present sinking it was a large piece of dry land on Earth.

Note that the previous boom in ape species two million years earlier means apes existed simultaneously with the last couple of million years of a dry Kerguelen continent. It seems that at the very least Kerguelen offered its animal residents an evolutionary environment similar to Australia/New Zealand of the same period, with perhaps some intriguing marsupial and flightless bird species and other exotic evolutionary niches all its own. Kerguelen may even have been an evolutionary paradise in some respects.

(Skipping ahead a bit...! The Kerguelen have been living away from Earth for millions of years by now.)

Approximately 3,000,000 BC- 30,000 BC: The Kerguelen fleet realizes that some distant relatives of Kerguelen primitives on Earth are starting to show signs of intelligence; The Kerguelen eventually begin to interact with the ape-men in limited ways.

The unmistakeable sounds of song and music emanating from ape gatherings first attract the attention of the Kerguelen. As time passes primitive tool use and greater cooperation among the apes becomes apparent.

Finally, widespread and purposeful use of fire by the apes begins breaking out all over the planet.

Some fleet personnel begin interacting with the apes, from time to time. Eventually they begin attempting to get the apes to team up with a smaller primate species like the Kerguelens themselves did early on. A few isolated genetic tweaks to both ape and monkey species are made in an effort to encourage such a pair-up. The fleet's efforts at combining the two species into something resembling their own ends up stymied. But the apes do continue to show progress in their own way.

Many more generations pass among the Kerguelen. Interest in the apes ebbs and flows among the fleet, as the species seems it will never evolve any further than it already has. Then, finally, the species begins to show the promise the fleet had been hoping to see for eons. The potential to become a whole new peasant/slave population for the fleet crews themselves. For in that manner might they achieve the levels of wealth and luxury up to now enjoyed only by the elite. They could also return to Earth, and enjoy the vast regions of unconstricted and hospitable space there-- wholly unlike the environments of their cramped craft quarters, and dangerous vacuum of space outside their vessels. Many fleet Kerguelen also chafed against the strict population controls of the fleet, imposed by the elite. A looser rein on free will here as compared to earlier Kerguelen history, plus more free time as well, allows the fleet Kerguelen to brood upon such matters. Upon a return to Earth such population restrictions could be ignored. There was enough space for billions of Kerguelen there.

Under these conditions the efforts to plan for a future return to Earth and subjugation of the fledgling humans there began to become somewhat organized affairs of the fleet Kerguelen. Details regarding how this might be done without interference from the elite-- or how the fleet Kerguelen might separate their own destinies from those of the elite-- are mostly neglected.
The fleet Kerguelen have no choice but to mention the continuing evolution of the apes on Earth in their reports to the randomly called elite. Fortunately, the elite take little notice.

The fleet Kerguelen increase the frequencies of their visits to Earth. They are not always as discrete as they should be. They are often sloppy because of the still primitive nature of the humans there, and the long time practice of taking little heed on the planet's surface, among merely dumb animals.

A growing argument builds among various factions of the fleet Kerguelen over how to handle the ever smarter apes-- including how much to let the apes see/know of the fleet Kerguelen themselves.

Eventually some fleet Kerguelen strike up continuing relationships with some humans. They experiment with some. Lucky ones become agents of the fleet, either among their own kind, or in secret underground or underwater bases about the planet.

Keep in mind the fleet Kerguelen must hide many of their activities regarding Earth from the elite Kerguelen. Thus, the reason for the hidden bases being constructed underground or undersea. Such bases are easier to cover up or otherwise explain as aberrations in instrument readings, than more obvious installations would be.

Despite their advanced technology, the fleet Kerguelen are also subject to very close surveillance and accounting by the elite for equipment, materials, and hours of labor utilized for any purpose. So their available resources for the construction of the hidden bases are much more limited than might be expected by observers accustommed to a freer, more private society, equipped with a similar level of technology.

Another factor to consider is the fact that certain bits of Kerguelen technology such as power sources, manufacturing equipment, and advanced materials used to build the Earth bases or installed there for other purposes would tend to make those bases be more easily found by Kerguelen instruments from space than would otherwise be the case. So even if the Kerguelen could use such items without accounting for them in inventory, the act would only increase the risk of discovery and execution (or worse) later.

This means the secret bases are almost always built and stocked only with native Earth materials and labor, and significant Kerguelen effort goes into maximizing the usefulness and flexibility of the locations while using only primitive and obsolete Kerguelen ideas and techniques adapted to contemporary Earth and human capacities and circumstances. That way, even if a refuge is discovered and investigated by elite agents of the fleet, they should find little to indicate Kerguelen involvement.

Of course, despite their worries of discovery, the fleet Kerguelen do occasionally use advanced technologies in some aspects of the construction of these bases. But it is mostly just to carve out spaces within rock where the rock is too hard or the local human labor too sparse to sculpt as quickly or in as complex a manner as the Kerguelen desire-- and during hours when the naughty Kerguelen are sure none of the other Kerguelen are in position to monitor the local vicinity. The Kerguelen also take pains to cover the clues to artificial construction with intentional sloppiness in some aspects, and sometimes orders to a local human labor force to chip away manually at new tunnel surfaces a bit to make them look more hand carved, in case of later visual inspection.

Human access to Kerguelen technologies is kept very limited, for the most part.
The fleet Kerguelen continue to 'sample' the human population and experiment with them over time. They also largely continue their slipshod manner of interacting with the planet and its inhabitants.

There will be two or three more installments in this series. After the information has been presented, I will explain some of the relevance of it to the lives of all of us here on Earth today.


Blogger Samwick said...

It sounds like Kerguelen may be the lost city of Atlantis. I hope they choose me to experiment with, I could use a personality upgrade, or possible a new epiglottis.

1:57 AM  
Blogger Donald said...

It will soon be revealed as an area of cosmic proportions. Your request for a new epiglottis is under consideration.

10:36 AM  

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