Thursday, June 09, 2005


In common with other subantarctic islands, Kerguelen has suffered greatly from man's thoughtless introduction of alien species.

Rabbits were brought to Kerguelen in 1874 by the British Transit of Venus Expedition. They have devastated Kerguelen's native vegetation, and several attempts have been made to eradicate them. Myxomytosis was introduced in 1955 in an attempt to control them: although their numbers declined rapidly, they soon recovered and are still a pest.

Rats arrived from ships in the 19th Century, and continue to devastate the island's bird populations, preying on eggs and chicks.

Cats were introduced to control rats in both the 19th and 20th centuries, but soon became feral and again prey on the endemic birds. Eradication programs have so far failed to eliminate them.

Other introduced species have included mink, reindeer, cattle and sheep.


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